How 5S jobs – part 1


In the preference, choice, most employees to work in a fresh, clean and well-functioning workplace.

A cluttered and dirty work area reflect undoubtedly the kind of attitude and mindset, the workers, as well as managers, have in the mainly from their work.

On the other hand, reflects a clean and tidy environment, as the employees (and managers) care about their jobs and work hard, with due care and consideration. Therefore, these people are more inclined to do their job better and are more productive compared to those who work in a chaotic and disorganized work areas.

However, there are companies who refuse to acknowledge their participation in keeping the workplace more human friendly and take the blame on the perceived laziness of employees when it comes to housekeeping.

Well, I have collected different views on utility based on my experience as a coach 5S.

Whenever I perform 5S training, I meet people from all types of businesses. I would always ask a rhetorical question: “What would change if your work would be clean and in good condition”

vary the answers, but what surprised me is that everyone shares a common desire: a to have clean and orderly working environment.

“It would save a lot of time,” a staff member said.

“I would be less irritated at work,” said one.

According to another employee: “I think we would be proud about our work.”

These are some typical comments from ordinary employees – and in my opinion it is clear that almost everyone wants to be the job opportunities Messy in good top form

jobs and employees who order wish One explanation for this contradiction is :. it is acceptable for most people to take care of their own garbage, but few people to take care of someone else like to waste.

A shift workers certainly would not be pleased if one day he would find his workplace and all dirty mess. Happened the first time he could to clean it. The second time, he is likely to ignore the mess and clean it again anyway – but next time he will not want to be generous to stir a finger. Soon he will stop playing hero and to say: “It seems like no one else cares about this place, so why should I?”

This means that the overall level of “housekeeping consciousness’ will gradually deteriorate. If we do nothing, we are in a situation where the employee is the least interested implicitly impose a poor sense of housekeeping standard for all others at the end.

The way I see it, is a cluttered and dirty work no election worker; it is a result of poor system in which a few lazy people can tear the fabric of industry comfort and job satisfaction for all the rest.

This is of course unacceptable.

The more disorganized and unkempt, the company, the more reason why we need discipline, guidelines, rules and systems in order to maintain uniform standards of quality and safety free from waste, errors, defects and accidents.

With these scenarios that is where the “5S” approach be implemented and put into practice.

What is 5S?

5S refers to the five structured programs with Japanese principles Seiri, Seiton, Seison, Seiketsu and Shitsuke – or in general as a sort, set, shine, standardize and sustain each

The Japanese words are shortcuts expressions for principles of maintaining an efficient and effective workplace. ,

The 5S approach is being promoted as a series of policies, systems and techniques that provide a standard approach for the laundry.

While there are several Anglicized version of Japanese words related to lean manufacturing, 5S collectively alluded to as the “Pillars of Good Housekeeping” for successful Lean implementation.

There is also a “base of Kaizen” tool to get started, to support and maintain the lean path to higher productivity and efficiency is viewed.

In the next part we will, as 5S is look best implemented.


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