B and B Advisory Evaluation Report – Green in the Cleaning Department

Some of my consultancy work has been about the volatile challenges of the house. I am combining some discussion on cleansing and cleaning for this article.

Biggest irony, to me, like the clean cleansing of the United States, is that powerful cleaners that use often do not kill the "infections" they follow. In the search for B & B or home clean, we load the cleaning cabinet or basket with a variety of products that often harm people by using them, the environment and the people who use the rooms later, and also kill useful bacteria. We have killed so many bacteria around us as we are making us sick, or at least more to health problems and diseases.

The cleaning and sanitary warehouse I recommend that guesthouses, hotels and individuals consist of a microfiber wipe, white vinegar, baking sauce and the StainSolver oxygen mixture. Some also recommend lemons, borax and hydrogen peroxide, but my idea is to simplify and strengthen.

I have a "magic" comprehensive solution that I use personally for a variety of purposes, but you must contact me for this recipe.

One of my guesthouses had two dissatisfaction. In her green B & B, she changed the use of paper towels to clean her using rags. These rags were made of worn sheets and towels. She was frustrated because she did not like the glue that was too often on her back and the fact that hair and crumbs were not absorbed to her fullest. She acknowledged that there could have been a problem with paper towels too, but she was having trouble adapting to the new concept and probably looking for excuses to return to the knowledge she knew.

She is not alone in being exposed to any kind of wiping material for use in cleaning. What is an environmentally clean "cloth"?

Microfiber is my conclusion. With quality microfiber cloth abrasion, static and capillary action combine for effective cleaning action. And because of these features, I've found that I do not even need to fix solutions, though I can use either the "magic" formula or the edible in the bathroom and kitchen sometimes.

There are a variety of microfiber cloth to choose from. The classification of quality microfiber from "cheap imitation" is important. To keep things simple, I spoke with my favorite cloth, which is wonderful for all my clean challenges: floors, vacuum and sinks, showers and pots, glass and mirrors, refrigerators and doors, as well as walls and doors.

The cleaning that works for me with microfiber is to use the cloth dry, spritz the surface that has to be cleaned with water or detergent and wipe.

Other microfiber that I have found to facilitate my other cleaning projects include rust products and waffle towels for dishes. To avoid laying floors and knees there are microfiber too. In the floor, take care of the spots before starting wet or dry and it comes out completely with an easy wipe or two mopshells.

My other frustration customer had been hated by the myriad cleaning solutions for the guesthouse. My armed struggle for cleansing "solutions" contains white vinegar (diluted 1:15 vinegar: water), baking soda and StainSolver. I have environmentally friendly cleaning agents available for some conditions, but rarely use them. I can clean all the surfaces of the house with the items.

Bathroom cleaning, mirror and glass cleaning, laundry, kitchen cleaning – they are all easy with microfiber cloth and the main ingredient kitchen ingredients. Nobody will be injured, the house will be clean and the budget is also facilitated. Cleaning is not so bad when you keep your cleanup policy simple.

Source by Kit Casingham

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